Lipu Onlus, natura, uccellie animali selvatici in Italia

Sign to stop poaching. Killing animals is killing nature

Sign the petition to stop the slaughter of animalsThere's no time to waste, Let's beat together the cruelty of poaching, for the sake of nature


Every year in Italy more that 5 million birds are illegally killed, a real slaughter that involve even storks and robins.

Despote being illegal this killing still exists because of stupid and cruel traditions and because implementing of the law that declare such activities illegal is often difficult.

It’s time to say all together: No more! We ask the Italia government and the Parliament to act immediately and define stronger penalties, improve controls and make sure the perpetrators of such crimes toward nature are punished.

Together we can stop this violence, Sign now the petition and share it

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The petition

To the Prime Minister,

Italy is the European country with the highest incidence of bird poaching, with 5-7 million wild birds killed illegally each year. The Italian Government has responded to the emergency with the launch of the National Action Plan against poaching of birds. However, two years after the establishment of the Steering Committee (July 21, 2017), the Plan against poaching is waiting to be fully implemented, so that we can move from theory to facts and finally act decisively and systemically against this serious illegality. We ask 

1. A Government Bill containing: the tightening of penalties by updating the sanctions framework as provided for in paragraph 2.1.1 of the Action Plan. The complete exclusion of the application of Article 132 of the Penal Code ("Tenuity of the Fact") for the penalties under Article 30 of Act 157/1992; the introduction of the 'hunting theft' provision, a concept already applied by many Public Prosecutors but which needs confirmation through an enacted law. the provision of a rule that applies objective liability to hunting institutes where poaching occurs, resulting in the suspension of hunting

2. to solve the serious emergency caused by the very poor level of control on the ground, through the restoration of the hunting supervision functions of the provincial police and the strengthening of the active presence of other police forces.

Full text of the petition



In many cases, poaching is the legacy of now anachronistic traditions and a widely outdated culture, for which wildlife is mere game, available to hunters, or harmful animals, to be exterminated. Wildlife, therefore, ended up the victim of real legalized slaughter and practices that often cause unspeakable suffering to animals, especially birds. Skylarks and thrushes were blinded to be used as live lures, or the robins and other insectivores caught in the Brescia valleys, hanging for hours upside down with their legs brocken before the poacher ended its suffering, or the thrushes in Sardinia, slowly strangled by thin plastic snares.

Not all of these practices have been abandoned. They have simply become illegal, setting up the vast phenomenon of poaching. Therefore, poaching is alive and kicking, because too many people (and even a part of politics) consider it a minor crime. Then there is the serious problem of the lack of police control. The number of provincial police has decreased, along with checks carried out on hunters, and the focus on the territory is now entrusted to the Forest Carabinieri alone. Too little.Sign the petition #FlightforSurvival


In Italy it is estimated that more than 5 million birds are killed illegally every year, mainly in seven areas identified as critical and defined as the "blackspots of poaching": the Lombard-Venetian Prealps, the Po Delta, the coasts and wetlands of Apulia, the coast and islands north of Naples, the Messina Strait, western Sicily and southern Sardinia. In each of these areas there are one or more forms of poaching. It is estimated that 50% of Italian poaching takes place in these seven areas.


Poaching is the killing, trapping or taking of a protected species. Huntable species are also victims of poaching when they are killed outside the rules set by law. Many poaching offences take place during legal hunting.


A poacher is anyone who kills or captures a protected species. Poacher is also the hunter who does not comply with the hunting regulations.

Since the early 1980s, Lipu is fighting against poaching, from the volunteers camps to protect the Eleonora’s falcon colony in Sardinia and the actions on the Messina Strait, to the work of the voluntary guard groups that today support law enforcement agencies such as Forest Carabinieri, Provincial Polices, Regional Forest Bodies.

Over the years, experience has taught us that only an integrated approach, combining law enforcement action, law enforcement agency support by trained volunteers, educational activities, local community involvement and major communication actions can make a real difference.

Proof of this is the action carried out in Sardinia, where, compared to 2012, poaching on birds has fallen by 80% thanks to a set of targeted activities.

In 2016, the Ministry of the Environment, In collaboration with the Forest Carabinieri and with the support of environmental associations, has developed a National Action Plan against poaching on birds. The Plan ensured the continued commitment of the State Forestry Corps (joined in the Carabinieri Forestali). The plan includes, among other actions, the tightening of penalties for poaching offences and the strengthening of the provincial polices for the control of hunting.Sign the petition #StopBracconaggio


Poaching is illegal but it continues to exist and to cause damage. Too many people, and even a part of politicians, regard poaching as a minor crime. Policing is ineffective because the number of provincial guards has decreased, reducing on-the- ground surveillance and controls on hunters.

Furthermore, forces opposed to the National Anti-Poaching Plan are hampering its implementation. With your signature, we call for the Plan to be fully implemented and for policymakers to adopt all required measures against poaching: the tightening of sentences, the recognition of the crime of hunting theft, the exclusion of crimes against birds from the list of "tenuous" crimes (the so-called "tenuity of the fact"), the Hunting ban of poachers. Only in this way, with a truly decisive action, can we finally stop, defeat this plague called poaching and give nature more protection and more respect. As nature deserves.Sign the petition #StopBracconaggio


The signatories of this petition ask the Prime Minister::
A government bill containing: the tightening of penalties by updating the A government bill containing:the tightening of penalties by updating the sanctions framework as provided for in paragraph 2.1.1 of the Action Plan. In particular: "the updating of the penalty framework for wildlife offences, commensurate with the extent of illicit revenues that can be gained from illegal activity and the damage caused to biodiversity based on established criteria (gravity factor), considering the possibility of adapting the penalties provided for in art. 30 of law no. 157/1992 and of transforming in criminal crime the most serious crimes currently dealt with a fine (such as letters A), b), c), d), and e), subsection 1, of art. 30 of the law no. 157/1992)”
2. The complete exclusion of the application of Article 132 of the Penal Code ("Tenuity of the Fact") for the penalties under Article 30 of law no. 157/1992 the introduction of the 'hunting theft' provision, a concept already applied by many Public Prosecutors but which needs confirmation through a specific law. the provision of a rule that applies objective liability to hunting institutes where poaching occurs, resulting in the suspension of hunting in the area managed by the specific institute.. 2. to address the serious problem caused by the very poor presence of on-the- ground control, by restoring the hunting supervision functions of the provincial police forces and the strengthening of the active presence of other police forces.


This signature collection campaign is supported by the LIFE Against Bird Crime project. It is part of the international campaign against poaching # FlightforSurvival led by BirdLife International, the world's grand coalition of all the bird conservation organizations in the world.

Da oltre 50 anni curiamo gli animali, proteggiamo gli habitat, combattiamo il bracconaggio e parliamo di natura ai ragazzi. Puoi farlo anche tu.

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